


Commission-free direct purchase

You currently have the opportunity to purchase this domain directly from the owner. Due to the omission of the brokerage commission, we can offer the domain apotheke-mü 20 to 30% cheaper than our sales partners. 
No price has yet been set for this domain. We therefore recommend that you make use of the possibility of a price proposal.

Price Proposal

We always try to determine a fair market price for each domain through extensive research. 
This domain is currently in the valuation phase. We therefore ask you to submit a price proposal to us.

Price Proposal

Details about Domain

Due to very good research possibilities and direct contact with the domain holder, we have extensive knowledge about the domain, especially about its history, which we will be happy to send you on request.

more information

Purchase Procedure

As an officially authorised registrar, Frankcom has direct technical access to the domain offered and can therefore ensure uncomplicated and smooth handling of the entire sales process.
If the domain name is not in a current sales process, an immediate purchase is also possible.

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